A woman with curly hair is smiling for the camera.



Lately, there has been lots of talk (in business), about “quiet quitting†and work environments where the culture is TOXIC. So, on a positive note I’d like to share ten simple things that we (as leaders) can do, starting today, to rejuvenate our team.

And as you listen, I’m sure you’ll hear many things that you’re already doing. That’s great!  It’ validation and encouragement to keep up the good work! But also, as you hear tips that you haven’t thought about, consider how you can start implementing them little by little, (over the next 21 days) as part of your leadership responsibilities in engaging your team.

So, let’s get started with the Top 10 Ways to rejuvenate your team!

ONE – Constantly Recognize and Reward their hard work. With so many teams experiencing staffing shortages and high employee turnover, acknowledging even small successes can go a long way!

TWO – Listen to what they say. You see, when employees feel that their opinions are heard, valued, and acted on they have a STRONGER tendency to be more engaged, committed, and loyal.

THREE – Encourage empowerment. When we create a culture of innovation, leaders often find that their employees KNOW so much more (than they do) when it comes to making improvements that enhance the quality of our products and services.

FOUR – Regularly Ask for input and feedback. And use it wherever you can. This goes hand in hand in strengthening employee engagement, empowerment, and innovation.

FIVE – Provide positive feedback regularly while keeping a close eye on slackers to also keep them engaged and accountable.

SIX – Demonstrate empathy and compassion. Especially when having coaching and counseling accountability conversations. Always remember to balance courage to confidently address the situation with compassion and consideration.  This will ensure everyone’s dignity and respect is maintained, and never compromised.

SEVEN – Encourage work/life balance consistently implementing positive ways to reduce workplace stress. Again, this is where LISTENING to employees and implementing their suggestions on ways to improve the work environment come into play.

EIGHT – Be a consistent example of excellence in what you expect. One of my favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi, who challenges us… “To be the CHANGE we want to see in others.â€

NINE – Embrace positive change, even if it’s initially painful. As they say, “change is inevitable.†Which means we can’t avoid it!

And finally TEN Foster an optimistic mindset. Even in the midst of chaos, leaders must emulate positivity, confidence, calm.

So there you have it! Ten simple things we can all do, (starting today), to rejuvenate our teams. And if you commit to implementing… or strengthening them (over the next 21 days), I’m confident you’ll start to see incremental, positive, sustainable results.

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