A woman with a necklace and brown jacket.

The Value of Have a Sense of URGENCY

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Does your team have a “Sense of Urgency†when it comes to getting things done? Or, is it that when you delegate tasks to them, you often get the feeling they’ll get to it some day?

Well, as a leader, if you often find yourself struggling with time management issues of your own and very little time to create some semblance of work-life balance that might be the root cause.

So, in this segment let’s spend a little time uncovering the VALUE and POWER of having (and maybe even instilling) a sense of urgency within your team.

Defining the Term “A Sense of Urgencyâ€

So, what does it mean to have a SENSE OF URGENCY?

Well, urgency is really about your own self-motivation. to get things done. Simply put, it’s your internal enthusiasm to make things happen. And if you want to effectively lead others, and create positive change you must not only have the motivation to do it, you must also do it with a sense of urgency. 

I’m sure you would agree, urgency is essential to success. And, it’s an important trait of a highly effective leader.

Examples of Having “NO†Sense of Urgency

So, when you think of employees who have no sense of urgency, what words come to mind? Do you often perceive them as Lazy; Sloppy – meaning no attention to detail. Having no particular timeframe to take care of important issues. Ignoring. And consistently late, often breaking promises.

Key Statistics

And, did you know that creating a sense of urgency often increases customer loyalty, sales, and employee engagement by up to 200%? Why? Because when we are served by people with an intense mindset to get things done right away – it makes us feel VALUED.

Action Steps to Improve

So, here are seven quick tips to help you strengthen a “Sense of Urgency†within your team.

ONE – Whenever you assign or delegate a task, always establish an agreed upon timeline for completion.

TWO – If the task needs to be completed expediently, be sure to EXPLAIN “why†so there’s no confusion or miscommunication.

THREE – Also, clarify what might happen if the deadline is not met. Maybe it will result in an UPSET customer. Additional FEES, fines, or charges being incurred on a bill. Or, maybe even a tarnished personal reputation.

FOUR – Find out if there is anything that might prevent the person from meeting your urgent deadline.

FIVE – If the deadline passes and the work still isn’t completed, don’t ignore it. Reconnect with the person for a status update and possibly help them complete the task.

SIX – Make the term, “Sense of Urgency†part of your team’s vocabulary and culture so it becomes a HABIT that is second nature for everyone.

And finally, SEVEN – Consistently embody what a sense of urgency should Look, Sound, and Feel like when tasks are assigned to you; so your team perceives you as a ROLE MODEL of success.

Benefits of Having a Sense of Urgency

And, just think for a moment about the benefits of having a team that values “Sense of Urgency.† Greater teamwork; higher customer loyalty; increased brand reputation; and of course, increased overall profitability!

So, there you have it! A quick action plan to help you create a greater sense of urgency within your team. And, guess what? This list is not all inclusive. But hopefully it’s a start that will lead you and your team toward greater productivity and success. Thanks so much for watching and have a wonderful day!

About the AUTHOR

Theo Gilbert-Jamison is CEO of Performance Solutions by Design, a consulting firm headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia that helps organizations exceed expectations by elevating the customer experience from average to extraordinary.

She is also author of several leadership books to include: The Six Principles of Service Excellence, and The Leadership Book of Numbers, Volumes 1 & 2. Prior to launching Performance Solutions by Design in 2003, she was VP of Learning & Development with Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company where she enjoyed a 17-year career.

Theo was also a key contributor, instrumental in implementing and sustaining processes and systems that led to The Ritz-Carlton becoming a two-time recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

With extensive background in Leadership Development and Human Resources, Theo works closely with organizations, ranging from private clubs, hospitality, healthcare, education, technology, and more. On average, her books, workshops, videos, and webinars are viewed by over 150,000 people annually.

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