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Webinar – Facilitating Huddles Employees Enjoy
Did you know… Engaging Daily Team Huddles are key to ensuring your team works cohesively TOGETHER, and is strongly aligned around a common purpose. Meaningful, interesting, fun team huddles also ensure everyone is aware of the goals and how they contribute to achieving them.
Webinar – Creating a Culture of Respect
Did you know… 72% of employees believe treating people with the highest level of dignity and respect is “very important” in the workplace. Also, respect is considered a top contributor in overall employee satisfaction and engagement, and when employees don’t feel valued and respected they more readily quit.
Lately, there has been lots of talk (in business), about “quiet quitting†and work environments where the culture is TOXIC. So, on a positive note I’d like to share ten simple things that we (as leaders) can do, starting today, to rejuvenate our team. And as you listen, I’m sure you’ll hear many things that you’re
Theo Gilbert-Jamison is an Author, Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, and the Founder of Performance Solutions by Design, Inc.
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