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Great Articles, Videos, Tips, and Best Practices to Help You Raise the Bar and Elevate the Customer Experience from Average to Extraordinary
The Value of GREETING Others
Did you know… 73% of customers become LOYAL based on great service and friendly employees. And, something as simple as a warm and friendly GREETING could be the start of a long-lasting, profitable customer experience. Have you ever walked into a room, office, or business establishment, and in a friendly… enthusiastic manner belted out “Good
The Value of a SMILE
Did you know… Feeling appreciated is the #1 reason customers switch away from products and services. Hi, I’m Theo Gilbert-Jamison, with Performance Solutions by Design… and I’d like to take a moment to focus on THE VALUE OF A SMILE. Now, you may be asking… Theo, why on earth… are you focusing on this? Well,
Rude Customers & Employee Mental Health
Dealing with rude customers can be a tremendous challenge, especially for employees in the service industry. While some customers may have legitimate complaints, others may be impolite, disrespectful, condescending, or downright abusive toward staff. And when employees work in environments where this is constant, it can significantly impact their mental health. KEY STATISTICS – A
Theo Gilbert-Jamison is an Author, Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, and the Founder of Performance Solutions by Design, Inc.
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